Oscar Medrano: Nunca Más.

“Never Again! The Dark Years of Terrorism in Perú” (2015) is the book of the Peruvian photographer Oscar Medrano Pérez, it is a visual tour of some of the most painful facts of our contemporary history. In this ethnography, we propose to made the author the protagonist of the story, weaving his life experience with the encounter with his passion for photography. Then we stop in two events that have marked his professional work: the slaughter of Lucanamarca and the real and symbolic manipulation of one of the survivors, Edmundo Camana Sumari. The selected cases are relevant, as an evidenced of the instrumental use made by operators of oblivion and justification to delegitimize the search for truth and justice. The article is based on the book review and analysis of the photos, as well an interview with Oscar Medrano, it is supplemented by secondary sources.

Palabras Claves
Internal Armed Conflict
Ana Jau. Reportera Gráfica. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad San Martín de Porres, egresada de la Maestría de Antropología Visual de la Universidad Católica del Perú.
Rocío E. Trinidad. Antropóloga. Doctora en Antropología. Investigadora independiente.
Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 27 - Santiago, Julio 2016 - 185/208 pp.- ISSN 0718-876x. Rev. chil. antropol. vis.